Online Vocational Education Master Degrees

Online Masters Degree in Vocational Schools: Whether you are new to the job market or looking to enhance marketable skills, our private vocational or trade schools are an excellent starting point. These schools train students a variety of skilled jobs and lead to an associate's degree or higher or professional certificate. Career areas include cosmetologists, barbers, emergency medical techs, nurse's assistants, computer specialists, legal secretaries, travel agents, aviation mechanics, pilots, truckers, auto-racing support personnel and other technical, apprenticeship, and specialty areas.

Master Degrees


Everglades University is an accredited, private not-for-profit university offering bachelor's and master's degree programs that prepare students to advance in their careers or fields of study.


Le Cordon Bleu is a world renowned network of educational institutions dedicated to providing the highest level of culinary and hospitality instruction through world class programs.


Since 1977, Keiser University has maintained a practical, hands-on approach to career-focused education to help our students achieve their personal and professional goals. Our student-centered approach remains at the foundation of the Keiser University mission and continues to attract students who prefer a more personal learning experience.


As a regionally accredited online university, Northcentral University has the privilege of serving students worldwide. We're excited that you are interested in joining the NCU community, and while you may not be able to take a traditional campus tour, we still want to give you the opportunity to get a feel for who we are and what we are about here at NCU.


Each day at Remington College, we talk to people looking to make a change - people who believe that an education can make a real difference and can lead to new and better opportunities for those who are committed to doing the work.