Counselling Degrees and Programs

Become a Counselor: Counseling is defined as giving advice, and or exchanging opinions for consolation in a certain matter. There are many different types of counseling programs to choose from addiction counseling, community counseling, marriage counseling, mental health counseling, pastoral counseling, professional counseling and school counseling. Go back to school to become a counselor online or on campus it's your choice. Come see what Directory of schools has to offer you in the exciting field of counseling. Start your training now to become a counselor.

Counselling Degrees Programs By Subject

  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Pastoral Community Counseling
  • Addiction Counseling
  • Community Counseling
  • Professional Counseling

Since 1977, Keiser University has maintained a practical, hands-on approach to career-focused education to help our students achieve their personal and professional goals. Our student-centered approach remains at the foundation of the Keiser University mission and continues to attract students who prefer a more personal learning experience.